Android Games

Slender: Night of Horror
Slender: Night of Horror Android Game
Find the 8 pages in this Slender Man adventure game before Slenderman takes you.Read below for device requirements.
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It's nighttime and you are in a forest. It's dark and foggy but you have a flashlight. You determine to investigate the zone so you take your camera and start recording. After a long walk, you find a odd page talking about the Slender Man. After a while you feel that something is following you and you are not wrong... Slender is just behind you!
When you look at him you feel tired and dizzy and your camera only shows a static and plays an irritating beeping sound. With every page you find Slender gets closer to you. Will you find the 8 pages before it's too late?
• Day and nighttime mode.
• Еasy or difficult difficulty.
• Нigh quality lighting.
• Awesome sounds and music.
• Smooth controls.
● Minimum:
- Android 2.3.3.
- Dual core processor.
- 1 GB of memory ram.
- Graphics with support for OpenGL ЕS 2.0.
- Resolution 800x480.
● Recommended:
- Quad core processor or better.
- 2 GB of ram.
- Graphics with support for OpenGL ЕS 3.0 or higher.
- Resolution 1920x1080 or higher.
*Your device may have enough requirements to run the game but some graphics bugs or performance issues might appear depending on the device you use. A newer device with recommended requirements or better, should run the game without any performance problems.
The latest version of this application (6.2) unlocks daytime mode after picking up the 8 pages at nighttime!
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